Looking to incorporate new technology or replace exisitng technology in your business?
Technology doesn't have to be difficult. So often you end up dealing with someone very technical that might have a hard time relating to what you want. Or worse yet, they give you a bunch of technical jargon that either intimates or confuses you. Either way, it takes the focus off of your end goal.
At BuckR Designs, we view technology just as a means to an end. Think of us more as business consultants that happen to understand technogly rather than just a technology company that expects you to already know exactly what you want. We work together to define a vision for an end goal, and only then is the "how" brought into the equation. Our customers have commented how much they appreciate this approach.
What We Offer
- Website Design & Development
- Enhance existing Websites
- Database Design
- Ecommerce Systems
- Search Engine Optimization
- Website & Database Hosting
- Application Programming
- Technology Consulting / Auditing
Our Services
Web Site Design / Development
Custom website design from scratch employing modern techiques and methodolgies as required using the Adobe Web Design Suite of tools. Or where a CMS (content management system) is best sutied, then we use either the WordPress or Drupal engine.
Database Design / Development
Over thirty years experience in enterprise database design, deveopment and tuning of both SQL and non-SQL database management systems. Experience using MySQL, MS SQLServer, Oracle, Sybase, DB2, PostgreSQL, Total, & Supra.
Application Design / Development
Experienced in C++, JQuery, JavaSdript, Perl, Python, and Ruby on Rails. Also, mainframe languages COBOL, Basic Assembler Language, JCL, Procs, PL/1, CICS Command Level, Focus and Mantis.
eCommerce Systems
Implemented ZenCart and OsCommerce packages accross a wide range of industries working with back-end Merchant Account Services for immediate credit card approval, as well as PayPal.
Client Examples
Columbus Architectural Salvage
Serves as a resource of vintage building parts for renovation of older buildings or for designers looking to enhance modern living spaces.
Working directly with the owner, BuckR Designs custon built to their system specs. The system required an easy to use cataloging system that the owner and his staff could update as needed. The website went from just a few thousand website hits per year to over 1.5 million!
Visit the site: Columbus Architectural SalvageEtna Township
Website goal was to keep the residents, business owners, and property owners of Etna Township informed with up to date information regarding their community.
Worked with Township staff and members of various boards to give the municipality a postive image as well as serve the community with easier access to services. Improved business processes by making available online zoning regualtions, meeting minutes, calendar of upcoming meetings as well as giving companies looking to relocate to the area tools to investigate the community as a place to do business.
Visit the site: Etna Township -
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